This has absolutely nothing to do with my IT related postings, but this morning I had a blood test.
“What’s the big deal?” I hear you ask. Well dear readers (if there are any – lol), I’ll tell you.
First of all, its nothing untoward or dodgy, it was just my Doctor wanting to know how healthy I am, and thanks to advances with modern medicine, I avoided the dreaded finger up my arse to check on my prostrate gland.
My fear of any needles stems from my childhood doctor, who whilst was excellent in his career, he admitted himself that he was terrible at giving injections. Fast forward to today, and I’m petrified of needles or blood tests.
“But, you’ve got two tattoos!” I hear you say. Well, that’s true, but I’m not afraid of the tattoo needle (for some reason).
Anyhow, it’s done. 1st Lieutenant Gilchrist maned up, gritted my teeth and got this sorted.
I’ll ask my doctor for a lolly pop when I see him now – lol.