Ooooh! Shiny!

Well ladies and gentlemen, my new printer arrived today, and I’ve got to say that I’m impressed!

So it’s goodbye to the old workhorse Brother MFC-9125CN, which only had a fixed ethernet card, and rather than risking tripping over the cable to my router (which is in the lounge room where I work, and the printer was in a spare room – don’t ask, it’s not worth asking about) I can now print wirelessly (I wonder if all these WI-FI rays are going to give me brain cancer or something lol).

My old printer lasted 10 years, which I’m very very very thankful for.

So it’s hello to my shiny new Brother MFC-L3770CDW! Mmmmmm shiny and ohhh so quiet too.

Now, to figure out how to get duplexing working on my new printer…..

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